Artist Profile (Japanese ver./ English ver.)
書に親しんでいたことから、墨と和紙を用い、現地で出合った枯れ枝や流木、海水などを使って、自らが筆となり、その瞬間に起きるプロセス---「タオ」に従って即興的に創作する手法をSUMI TAO ARTと名付け、活動を展開中。たましいを踊らせながら地球と遊んでいる。
2016 個展 "SUMI TAO ART Show & Gallery", Blondie A Salon, Portland, Oregon USA,2016 (A part of Major Art Fair Portland Oregon First Thursday art walk 2016)
2016 映画・DVD「アチュアルの夢〜アマゾンから現代社会へのメッセージ」龍村ゆかり監督
2017 二人展 "Feel into deep place 〜光と影、音と音の間、静寂から生まれる世界", 向島百花園, 東 京,日本,2017
2022 水川千春 / 久遠みさき 二人展 "New Japanese Impressions" 主催・企画:gallery ayatsumugi, 水天宮スタジオ,東京,日本
2023 第51回現代芸術国際AU展 出展, 神戸,日本
<Artist Profile>
MISAKI KUON(Artisit name)
Process Artist/Psychospritalist
I have been a psycho-spiritual therapist in Japan over 25 years. I support many people to be able to live their own life more totality.
Through this work, I also have gotten inspiration that how to become who I am and how to be alive more in this my life.
Then, I begin to start creating the art works from 2014.
I have learned Japanese calligraphy for many years. But, I create my style which is drawing freely on the big Washi (Japanese traditional paper) and SUMI (Traditional black ink for Japanese calligraphy) in the nature by using natural stuff, for example, roots, beaches, leaves, sand etc, instead of Japanese calligraphy’s brush.
My drawing process is very simple. At the beginning, I have no idea what to draw. I pick up natural stuff in the forest or the beach just before drawing. I follow my inspiration within the natural environment. It is a very spontaneous and dynamic process. It is a co-creation process with the earth.
So, I named it "SUMI TAO ART”.
I have been creating the artworks at on the various places in the earth---Yachats,Portland (USA) , Amazon forest (Ecuador), Fukusima,Tokyo (Japan) and so on. Especially, Oregon Coast,Yachats is my home ground for creating the artworks.
The subject matter, to remember ‘ Sense of Eternity ' and ' Sense of Aliveness' by the art.
Through the long-term my life experiences and spiritual practices, I feel that beyond this lifetime, each of us are keep going own soul journey.
But our “this life” is only once.
I hope to inspire that how our this life is precious through my art activity.
"SUMI TAO ART Show & Gallery", Blondie A Salon, Portland,Oregon USA,2016 (A part of Major Art Fair Portland Oregon First Thursday art walk 2016)
“Feel into deep place - Light and shadow, between sound and sound, the world emerging from silence", Mukojima-Hyakkaen Gardens, Tokyo,Japan, 2017
Duo Exhibition "New Japanese Impressions" Organized and planned by gallery ayatsumugi, Suitengu Studio, Tokyo, Japan, 2022
The 51st International Contemporary Art ”AU” Exhibition, 2023
<Film credits work>
2016 / Vision of Achuar - Message from Amazon to modern society-/ film
英訳;Earnest Migaki